Toronzo Cannon SHUT UP AND PLAY

Toronzo Cannon
Shut Up and Play
Alligator Records

Mind-Bending Contemporary Blues That Channels Elmore, Muddy and All Three Kings.

Nobody knows everyone in the Blues world so I can be excused for not knowing the immaculately monikered Chicago Bluesman, Toronzo Cannon even though my mate rolled his eyes when I mentioned his name, as he’s a bit of a star in certain circles.
The fact that Gary insisted that Toronzo is a ‘star’ wasn’t a surprise anymore as I played opening track Can’t Fix The World a majestic mix of Classic Chicago Blues in the shape of any or all of the Kings but with 21st Century angsty lyrics and mind bending piano and geeeeeetar!
Now I’ve played the album too many times, it’s all too easy to get lost in the music; which is a good thing, but as many of you know, my ‘thing’ is the lyrics; and by God can Toronzo Cannon write a memorable song!
The molten guitar opening to the next song, I Hate Love will have you clutching the arms of your chair to steady yourself; but it’s the song/story that is the ‘killer’ here, as our man details the sour points in his love life, but we all know he’ll be back for more as L.O.V.E the worst addiction of all.
I think Cannon and Alligator head honcho Bruce Iglauer have arranged these songs to create something of an emotional rollercoaster for the listener; as how else can you explain the punchy and swinging Blues Brothersesque Had To Go Through It To Get To It, about his Grandfather packing up his family and heading North many years ago followed by the low down and raunchy Something To Do Man or later the self-explanatory edgy and slightly punky, Got Me By The Short Hairs following the slow and sultry Guilty?
It’s not by accident is it?
While this is an album that deserves to be heard in order from start to finish; there are plenty of individual songs that merit repeat plays, the way we did with 45RPM singles back in our youth and I can only imagine the perverse heartbreak repeated listens to Him or Unlovable will bring to love lorn youngsters in their bedrooms across the globe.
With so much quality in every pocket it’s not easy to select a single song as a Favourite, the Old-School back porch, harmonica soaked My Woman Loves Me Too Much is certainly a stand out as is the growling title track Shut Up, and Play with Cannon’s voice at breaking point on a political tinged song where he channels his inner Hound Dog Taylor, Muddy Waters and Elmore James for the listener’s total delight. Some won’t be able to look past the autobiographical Had To Go Through It To Get To It, as it will become a soundtrack song to their own lives.
Sadly I’ve had to move those to one side and flip a coin between the deep tale of being the lesser half of a relationship (which could be about many of us … male AND/OR female!) If I’m Always Wrong and the outright winner, Message To My Daughter which is new territory for a Blues song as Cannon delicately explains to his daughter how her parents marriage is breaking up but she will remain in both their lives. Beautiful, brittle and tender in a way I’ve not heard in years.
There’s so much going on here in Cannon’s songs that for years to come we will return to this album and something new will tantalise our musical taste buds that we originally missed. It’ll not mean much to the Awards committees out there, but SHUT UP AND PLAY has gone straight onto the RMHQ Top Twenty Albums of the year list …. in red!

Released 7th June 2024


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