Random Canyon Growlers – Dickey Ain’t Got All Day (2012)


Random Canyon Growlers

Dickey Ain’t Got All Day

Frantically energetic and scarily good Bluegrass from the Rocky Mountains

It’s becoming something of a joke that every time I enjoy a Bluegrass record I have to preface the review by insisting that I don’t normally like Bluegrass music.

Well here we go again!

This album has been sitting in my ‘in box’ for a few weeks because I’d made the mistake of reading the colourful Press Release and presumed that I wouldn’t like the contents.

Ha! Wrong again. One of the things that normally puts me off Old-Timey music is the way the bands are always note perfect and come across as very worthy in the way they pay homage to the history of the genre; but The Random Canyon Growlers are obviously having a whale of a time and add a smidgen of Rock to Bluegrass!

Opening track With You Beside Me is bang up to date as the singer ‘loses his job in the City’ but knows things won’t be all bad as his lover ‘is at his side, holding his hand.’ It’s a story too many of us can align with.

Guilty of Murder is a rollicking Murder Ballad and had me howling along with the chorus and will be the highlight of many a festival this Summer.

Dog House is straight out of the Beverley Hillbillies back kitchen and had me smiling and tapping my feet as I worked on a boring spreadsheet for my day job. Thank you guys.

The album goes on a high note with Mercy and it’s intricate guitar dual and holler along chorus.
I’m slowly beginning to warm to the charm of Bluegrass and Hillbilly music; which is something I didn’t expect and that’s all down to young bands like the Random Canyon Growlers.
