Jake Neuman
Little Bitty Town EP
Peacedale Records

A Mighty Fine New Sound From Nashville That’s Full of Heartfelt Stories From Bakersfield

Singer-songwriter, Jake Neuman and his band, the Jaybirds are a newer Americana act. Based in Nashville where he holds down a weekly residency at Eric Church’s venue, Chiefs he has his roots in Bakersfield, Cal. Whether I would have known this on hearing this EP would be questionable, that he was the offspring from the California’s Bakersfield Sound; as quoted in the accompanying promo notes, but that’s another matter, as good as he sounds. 

Saved opens the five track EP,
I am just a broken man,
I’m just an echo of a man that came and went”

speaks Neuman.
A mellow, wistful ballad aided by rumbling drums, and a little pedal steel making it a solid ballad.
Say What You Mean is more mid-paced, fired on by electric lead guitar and more percussion it sets the EP away.
Then Two Days Ago displays a greater urgency, and suggests Neuman has it in him to make it. Initially sparked by an unexpected break up, it deals with how your life and understanding can change in the blink of an eye.
Here Neuman and the boys take more chances and with a powerful rhythm akin to a Jason Isbell record it powers through, via some brilliant production.
He speaks of how,
“it pays to be careful who you pin your hopes and dreams on”.   

On Little Bitty Town it’s another showing a promising a spark, with prominent drums and lead electric guitar circling his lead vocals. The song is ‘busy and bustling’ like Two Days Ago and it offers much as caution is thrown to the wind. 

The John Prine song and finale Clocks & Spoons, which comes along all too soon, enjoys some brass as well as electric lead guitar and keyboards added to Neuman’s vivid imagination and general innovation which takes hold throughout.
It’s a good sound as the players enjoy freedom while Neuman swings along to the rhythmic tune.

Showing off his dexterity.
Shoot the moon right between the eyes
take me back to the sunny countryside”
he sings on a song heaped in piano, sax and punchy rhythm as Neuman delivers a mighty fine sound.

Reviewed by Maurice Hope
released 14th June 2024


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